Lai Ji Tmall Flagship Store Opens and Launches Another Chongqing-made Good Product Marching to the Country!

On May 20, Lai Ji Tmall Flagship Store of Chongqing Dejia Meat Technology Co., Ltd. (controlled by Chongqing Nongtou Meat Food Co., Ltd.) was officially launched. The store is the first online flagship store of Chongqing Dejia's own brand, marking that the brand products of Chongqing Nongtou Meat Food have successfully moved to the whole country through e-commerce channels. Chongqing Dejia Meat Technology Co., Ltd. has been deeply engaged in the field of meat production and processing for more than 20 years. Now it has gradually grown into one of the largest slaughtering and processing enterprises in the western region. In October 2004, it was jointly recognized as a "national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization" by the eight ministries and commissions of the state, and its products are exported far away.
On May 20, Lai Ji Tmall Flagship Store of Chongqing Dejia Meat Technology Co., Ltd. (controlled by Chongqing Nongtou Meat Food Co., Ltd.) was officially launched. The store is the first online flagship store of Chongqing Dejia's own brand, marking that the brand products of Chongqing Nongtou Meat Food have successfully moved to the whole country through e-commerce channels.
Chongqing Dejia Meat Technology Co., Ltd. has been deeply engaged in the field of meat production and processing for more than 20 years, and now it has gradually grown into one of the largest slaughtering and processing enterprises in the western region. In October 2004, it was jointly recognized as a "national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization" by eight ministries and commissions of the state. its products are exported to more than 30 countries and regions overseas.
From a processing enterprise with the whole industry chain to a national enterprise with strong independent brand influence, this is an important strategic transformation of Chongqing Dejia in the new era. How to successfully "go out"? Many similar local enterprises have been trapped in this before. Dejia's path choice is that with the increasing consumer demand for agricultural products, through the establishment of e-commerce channels and the use of Internet marketing methods, independent brands can quickly spread and expose online. "jiang xiaobai let everyone remember chongqing net red wine, and we also have the confidence to let the national and even the world consumers know chongqing good meat through the new retail mode! lai ji tmall flagship store is the first step!"
▲ Canned Laiji Hot Pot Lunch Meat with Representative Style in Sichuan and Chongqing
However, the choice to open and go online at "520", the most representative Internet marketing node in recent years, also fully demonstrates the determination of the entire Chongqing agricultural meat industry to integrate online and offline resources and push the Lai Ji brand to the whole country through the construction of a new retail model.
▲ Lai Ji Tmall flagship store e-commerce products-luncheon meat canned gold cans
Wang Danyu, general manager of Chongqing Dejia Meat Technology Co., Ltd., said that Lai Ji Tmall flagship store is not only an important online sales channel for the company, but also a window for Lai Ji brand to communicate with consumers online in the future. Using the daily operation feedback of the flagship store and the scientific analysis of e-commerce big data, it will also provide detailed and reliable data support for the company's future new product research and development and overall marketing strategy formulation.
It is reported that Zhongken Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., which is responsible for the daily operation of Lai Ji Tmall flagship store, is an innovative supply chain platform for China's agricultural reclamation system built by Chongqing Agricultural Investment Group. It has successfully operated the mainstream e-commerce channels of the group's brands Tianyou and Huashan Mu, and will actively empower Lai Ji's online efforts in the future.
Lai Ji Tmall Flagship Store has opened and its shelves include three product lines: canned luncheon meat, canned braised meat and pickled food, with a total of 10 SKU's, among which there are luncheon meat gold cans tailored for online consumers. During the opening of the flagship store, there are also rich forms of mass preferential activities to attract users into the store consumption.


Why is it called lunch meat? Can't it be called breakfast meat and dinner meat?

In fact, luncheon meat was not called luncheon meat in the early days. Its original name was spiced ham, and its English name was Spiced Ham. However, since the lunch meat did not contain pork leg meat at the beginning, in order to improve the quality and its name, 10% pork leg meat was added to the lunch meat.


The "marinated 8 flavors" on the Chinese New Year dining table are delicious and appetizing, and should be prepared after a small year.

"Twenty-three, sugar melon sticky, twenty-four, sweep the house". The New Year is coming in a twinkling of an eye. From the 23rd of December, it heralds the beginning of the Spring Festival celebration. At this time of year, many families begin to prepare for the whole family's New Year's food and drink. Various dishes of chicken, duck, fish, meat and vegetables also begin. The big pot on the hearth is steaming hot. The adults are busy in and out of the house. The children are chasing and playing outside, it is filled with a strong smell of wine and meat, which is the atmosphere of every family during the Spring Festival.


One minute to understand canned food

There are many types of canned food, and the methods of classification are also different. China promulgated the classification standard of canned food in 1989, and reclassified it in 2006, adding new varieties of canned food. In the standard, the canned food is first divided into six categories according to the raw materials, and then the major categories are divided into several categories according to the different processing or seasoning methods.
