One minute to understand canned food

There are many types of canned food, and the methods of classification are also different. China promulgated the classification standard of canned food in 1989, and reclassified it in 2006, adding new varieties of canned food. In the standard, the canned food is first divided into six categories according to the raw materials, and then the major categories are divided into several categories according to the different processing or seasoning methods.

There are many types of canned food, and the methods of classification are also different. China promulgated the classification standard of canned food in 1989, and reclassified it in 2006, adding new varieties of canned food. In the standard, the canned food is first divided into six categories according to the raw materials, and then the major categories are divided into several categories according to the different processing or seasoning methods.
1. Canned livestock meat: canned livestock meat according to different processing and seasoning methods, is divided into steamed canned livestock meat, seasoned canned livestock meat, pickled canned livestock meat, smoked canned livestock meat, sausage canned livestock meat, visceral canned livestock meat, etc.
2. Canned poultry: canned poultry according to different processing and seasoning methods, can be divided into white burned canned poultry, boned canned poultry, seasoned canned poultry.
3. Canned aquatic animals: Canned aquatic animals are divided into oil-soaked (smoked) canned aquatic products, seasoning canned aquatic products, steamed canned aquatic products.
4. Canned fruits: According to different processing methods, it is divided into canned fruits in sugar water, canned fruits in syrup, canned fruits in jam and canned fruits in juice. Among them, canned fruit jam is divided into canned jelly (canned juice jelly, jelly containing fruit pieces or peel) and canned jam. Canned fruit juice is divided into canned concentrated juice, canned juice and canned juice beverage.
5. canned vegetables: canned vegetables are divided into canned vegetables, canned vegetables with vinegar, canned vegetables with salt (sauce), canned vegetables with seasoning, canned vegetables with vegetable juice (sauce).
6. Dried fruits and nuts canned: to meet the requirements of nuts, dried fruit raw materials, after selection, peeling (shell), fried with salt (sugar or sugar coating) after canned products, such as peanuts, walnuts and other canned.
7. Canned cereals and beans: Canned products made from processed cereals, dried fruits and other raw materials (longan, medlar, vegetables, etc.), such as eight-treasure porridge, eight-treasure rice, vegetable porridge, tomato juice, soybeans and other canned. It also includes processed noodles, rice noodles and other canned products made by frying or cooking, blending and canning, such as minced meat noodles in tomato juice and fried noodles with chicken shreds.
8. Other types of canned: including canned soup, seasoning canned, mixed canned, canned child food supplement.

Canned containers for the long-term preservation of canned food plays an important role, so in order to ensure the quality of canned food, but also to adapt to industrial production, for canned containers put forward the following requirements.
1. The material of the container is non-toxic to the human body
Canned food contains sugar, protein, fat, organic acids, and may also contain salt and other ingredients. As the material of the canned container is in direct contact with the food, and it needs to be stored for a long time. They should not react with each other chemically and will not harm Human health does not pollute the food and affect the flavor of the food.
2. Has good sealing performance
Food spoilage is often the result of microbial activity and reproduction in the nature of food, which promotes food decomposition. Canned food is a kind of food that can be preserved for a long time after processing, sealing and sterilization of food raw materials. If the sealing performance of the container is not good, the sterilized food will be contaminated by microorganisms and cause spoilage. Therefore, the container must have a very good sealing performance, to ensure that the food can be sterilized and isolated from the outside air, to prevent the contamination of external microorganisms, not to deteriorate, so that the food long-term storage without deterioration.
3. Has good corrosion resistance
Because canned food contains organic acids, proteins and other organic substances, as well as certain inorganic salts necessary for the human body, the container will be corroded. Some substances in the production process of canned food industry will produce some chemical changes, the release of a certain corrosive substances, and canned food in the long-term storage process of the contents of the contact with the container will also change slowly, so that the canned container corrosion. Therefore, as a canned food container must have good corrosion resistance.
4. It is required to have good mechanical properties, not easy to deform, not easy to break and break, and soft material containers shall not have layering phenomenon to facilitate processing, transportation, storage and sales.


Why is it called lunch meat? Can't it be called breakfast meat and dinner meat?

In fact, luncheon meat was not called luncheon meat in the early days. Its original name was spiced ham, and its English name was Spiced Ham. However, since the lunch meat did not contain pork leg meat at the beginning, in order to improve the quality and its name, 10% pork leg meat was added to the lunch meat.


The "marinated 8 flavors" on the Chinese New Year dining table are delicious and appetizing, and should be prepared after a small year.

"Twenty-three, sugar melon sticky, twenty-four, sweep the house". The New Year is coming in a twinkling of an eye. From the 23rd of December, it heralds the beginning of the Spring Festival celebration. At this time of year, many families begin to prepare for the whole family's New Year's food and drink. Various dishes of chicken, duck, fish, meat and vegetables also begin. The big pot on the hearth is steaming hot. The adults are busy in and out of the house. The children are chasing and playing outside, it is filled with a strong smell of wine and meat, which is the atmosphere of every family during the Spring Festival.


One minute to understand canned food

There are many types of canned food, and the methods of classification are also different. China promulgated the classification standard of canned food in 1989, and reclassified it in 2006, adding new varieties of canned food. In the standard, the canned food is first divided into six categories according to the raw materials, and then the major categories are divided into several categories according to the different processing or seasoning methods.
