Lai Da xia ginger shredded pork self-heating rice 240g * 8

Ginger is tender ginger. It tastes crisp and juicy, fragrant and spicy. It is very suitable for stir-frying with most meat. Ginger fragrance fresh, shredded meat tender and smooth, very rice. Shredded meat is tender, ginger is crisp and spicy. Compared with old ginger, the taste of ginger is more crisp and tender, and it is not so spicy, so it can be eaten as a dish. It is a very delicious choice of self-heating rice dishes.

Key words:

ginger shredded pork self-heating rice


Product Consulting:

Product Description


Box gauge

Shelf life

Lai Xia Zai ginger pork self-heating rice


12 months


Ginger is tender ginger. It tastes crisp and juicy, fragrant and spicy. It is very suitable for stir-frying with most meat. Ginger fragrance fresh, shredded meat tender and smooth, very rice. Shredded meat is tender, ginger is crisp and spicy. Compared with old ginger, the taste of ginger is more crisp and tender, and it is not so spicy, so it can be eaten as a dish. It is a very delicious choice of self-heating rice dishes.

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