Lai Da xia Mapo Tofu Self-heating Rice 240g * 8

The dishes become hemp, spicy, fresh, fragrant, hot, whole, tender and crisp, highlighting the characteristics of spicy Sichuan cuisine. The color is delicious and spicy. It is composed of tofu, meat and chili, tofu as the main ingredients, the rest of the meat and chili make the food more colorful. The fine texture of tofu, the meat filling is crisp and rotten, and the spicy taste of chili can enhance the overall taste of the food, making Mapo tofu a unique and popular food.

Key words:

Mapo Tofu Self-heating Rice


Product Consulting:

Product Description


Box gauge

Shelf life

Lai Xia Ma Po Tofu Self-heating Rice


12 months


The dishes become hemp, spicy, fresh, fragrant, hot, whole, tender and crisp, highlighting the characteristics of spicy Sichuan cuisine. The color is delicious and spicy. It is composed of tofu, meat and chili, tofu as the main ingredients, the rest of the meat and chili make the food more colorful. The fine texture of tofu, the meat filling is crisp and rotten, and the spicy taste of chili can enhance the overall taste of the food, making Mapo tofu a unique and popular food.

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