Baked Peanut with Salt

Salt-baked peanuts are a delicacy made from peanuts and other ingredients. Salt-baked peanuts are crisp and delicious. They are good for wine and snacks. Salty and delicious, peanut taste crisp crisp, delicious not greasy. After such a special stir-frying, peanuts will be more fragrant and delicious. After the peanuts are cooled, the taste will be more crisp and delicious.

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Baked Peanut with Salt


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Product Description

Salt-baked peanuts are a delicacy made from peanuts and other ingredients. Salt-baked peanuts are crisp and delicious. They are good for wine and snacks. Salty and delicious, peanut taste crisp crisp, delicious not greasy. After such a special stir-frying, peanuts will be more fragrant and delicious. After the peanuts are cooled, the taste will be more crisp and delicious.

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